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1. The kids balance bike is easy to assemble,adults only need a few minutes to complete the installation

2. This balance bike can train children's balance ability, and the children will be more confident and strong

3. EVA foam wheel is more portable and does not need to be inflated, with good puncture resistance

4. This balance bike is light and strong, with good shock absorption

5. The balance bike equipped with Non-slip handle grips and comfortable padded seat


1. The kids balance bike is easy to assembleadults only need a few minutes to complete the installation
2. This balance bike can train children's balance ability, and the children will be more confident and strong
3. EVA foam wheel is more portable and does not need to be inflated, with good puncture resistance
4. This balance bike is light and strong, with good shock absorption
5. The balance bike equipped with Non-slip handle grips and comfortable padded seat

1. Material: Carbon Steel Body, TPR Grip
2. Wheel Material: EVA
3. Weight Capacity: 110.23lbs / 50kg
4. Age: 2-5 Years Old
5. Test Certificate: ASTM-F963
6. Body Size: (33.8 x16.9 x 24)" / (85.85 x 42.93 x 60.96)cm(L x W x H)

Package Includes:
1 x Balance Bike
1 x User Manual

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